Strawberry Topper Syrup

One of my favorite toppings for ice cream when I was younger was Hershey’s strawberry syrup. As I grew older and learned more about all of the ingredients in the store bought syrup, I knew I could make my own (and better).

That’s how this recipe was born! I had A LOT of strawberry tops from making jam and while I could’ve just given them to my chickens, I decided to experiment! This is the easiest recipe and SO good.

What you’ll need:

1 Cup Strawberry tops (greens removed if you want)

1 Cup Granulated sugar

1 Cup Water

The Recipe:

Grab a medium sauce pan and add your water, sugar and strawberry tops and bring to a boil

once it comes to a boil, bring the heat down to medium and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Once the 5 minutes is up, take your sauce pan off the heat and allow your syrup to come to room temperature.

When your syrup has cooled, now its time to strain! You’ll want to grab a fine mesh strainer and pour the syrup over the strainer into a large bowl.

Once the syrup is completely cool, add to your container of choice! I make large batches of this syrup and can 8oz jars so we can enjoy this amazing syrup until next spring. If you want to use your syrup right away, it can be stored in the fridge for 30 days.



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